Federal Bank PO Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

Federal Bank PO Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 23, 2021


Tony Stark

Federal Bank is a leading private bank with its headquarter located in Aluva, Kochi. The federal bank was one of the first banks in India who digitized all its branches spread across the country. Several services are offered by the bank including internet banking, mobile banking, mutual funds, and much more. The bank aimed at offering the best quality services to its customers.

Latest updates:

Federal Bank will soon release the notification of the recruitment of Probationary Officers for Scale I. To search for young talents who aspire to become industry leaders and bring about a change in the banking sector, Federal Bank PO recruitment will happen in two stages of the Selection process. The first stage will be an Aptitude Test to test General Aptitude, followed by a short psychometric test. The second stage will be Group Discussion and Personal Interviews. To know the complete details of the recruitment, do read the complete article.


Federal Bank PO 2021 Highlights

Name of Bank Federal Bank
Type of Organization Recategorized as Private Bank
Post Name Probationary Officer (PO)
Number of stages Two (Aptitude Test & Interview)
Mode of Declaration of Result Online
Official Site federalbank.co.in

Important Dates

Events Important Dates
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam notification date 2021 To be announced
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam application form start date To be announced
Federal Bank Recruitment Exam apply online last date To be announced
Federal Bank Recruitment Exam fee last date To be announced
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam admit card download date To be announced
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam Date 2021 To be announced

Federal Bank PO Vacancy

The Federal Bank will soon publish an official Probationary Officers' Notification stating the details of registration, eligibility, and vacancy for the year 2021. The vacancies will be for various locations throughout India. However, only the administration will decide the job location for a candidate. The candidates are expected to be the domicile of any of the States of Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, New Delhi, Punjab, Tamil Nadu or West Bengal.

Eligibility Criteria

The Federal Bank reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standard, etc., to restrict the number of candidates to be called for online aptitude test, group discussion and interview commensurate with the number of vacancies. The candidate will only be eligible for the Federal Bank PO/Clerk examination, only if he/she fulfils both the stages of eligibility criteria. The Federal Bank Eligibility includes age limit criteria and educational qualification.

Age limit

Candidates who are less than 27 years of age can apply.

Federal Bank PO education qualification
  • Post-Graduates with a minimum of 60% marks in any discipline from a recognized University or any other Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956
  • Candidates should have completed their Post-Graduation during the academic years 2019-20 or 2020-21
  • Candidates should have completed their academics (from 10th onwards) in a regular mode of study. Candidates should have a consistent academic record of a minimum of 60% marks from class 10th onwards


Federal Bank Exam Apply Online

The Federal bank online apply link and details will be released with the notification. The Federal Bank exam application form will also be released with the notification on the official website. We shall update the Federal Bank PO/Clerk apply online direct link after the release.

How to Apply Online for Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam

You can check the steps on how to fill the Federal Bank application form online.

  • Visit the official website of the Federal Bank.
  • Go to the link asking, "Click here for New Registration".
  • Fill up the form with valid details such as Name, Email ID & Contact Number.
  • Now click on the "Submit" tab.
  • Then you will receive a Registration Number and Password on the screen.
  • Upload your scanned signature and photograph with the dimensions mentioned in the notification.
  • Enter your details as per your educational certificate.
  • At last, pay the application fee via debit card/credit card/internet banking.
  • And donโ€™t forget to download a copy of the application form.
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Application Fee

Federal Bank Probationary Officer Application Fee

Catagory Application Fee
General and OBC Rs 700/-
SC / ST Rs 350/-

Federal Bank PO/Clerk Selection Process, Exam Pattern 2021

It is crucial to understand and have clarity of the Federal Bank Recruitment exam selection procedure and the Federal Bank Exam pattern in a comprehensive manner. Complete detail about Federal Bank PO/Clerk Selection Process and Federal Bank PO/Clerk Exam Pattern is mentioned below.

Below mentioned is the detailed exam pattern for both Federal Bank Probationary Officer and Clerk Exam

The Online Aptitude Test will be an Objective Test consisting of 150 marks and 6 sections, which are distributed as follows:

Sr.No Name Of the Test No.of Questions Maximum Marks Time
1 Verbal Ability/English Language 30 30 composite of 90 mins
2 Logical Aptitude/Reasoning 30 30
3 Quantitative/Numerical Ability 30 30
4 General, Socio-economic & Banking 25 25
5 Computer Awareness 20 20
6 Digital Banking 15 15
Total 150 150

Note: โ€“ There will be negative marks at the rate of 0.25 for each wrong answer.

Federal Bank PO/Clerk Selection Process

CSelection of the candidates will be based on the following factors for the post of PO and Clerk in Federal Bank exam 2021

  • Online Aptitude Test
  • Group Discussion (GD)
  • Personal Interview (PI)

Federal Bank PO/Clerk Syllabus

The Federal Bank PO/Clerk Recruitment Exam consist of six sections

  • English Language
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Numerical Ability
  • General, Socio-Economic, and Banking Awareness
  • Computer Awareness
  • Digital Banking

The Federal Bank PO/Clerk syllabus for the English Language, Logical Reasoning and Numerical Ability is mentioned below.

English Language Logical Reasoning Numerical Ability
Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb,
Preposition, Conjunction, Adjective, etc.)
Syllogism Simplification
Narration (Direct and Indirect Speech) Blood Relations Surds
Singular- Plural Alphabet and Number Series Average
Antonyms Distance and Directions Ratio and Proportion
Cloze Test Puzzels Mixtures and Alligations
Para-jumbles Statements and Arguments Pipes and Cistern
Spell Checks Statements and Conclusions Time and Work
Comprehension Reading (Story-based and fact-based) Seating Arrangements (Linear and Circular) Mensuration
Subject-Verb Agreement Classification Line Graph
Voice Change (Active and Passive Voice) Coding-Decoding Permutation and Combinations
Articles โ€“ A, An, The Analogy Number Series
Synonyms Assertion and Reasoning Percentage
Fill in the Blanks Input-Output Profit and Loss
Phrases and Idioms Statements and Assumptions Simple and Compound Interest
Error Spotting Boats and Stream

Federal Bank PO Job Description

Like Probationary Officers of any other bank, Federal Bank POs too have to multi-task, work in various departments of the bank and learn every aspect of banking. The various roles and responsibilities of Federal Bank Probationary Officers are tabulated as under:

Federal Bank PO Salary: Federal Bank PO Job Description, Roles & Responsibilities
One of the major tasks of Federal Bank Probationary Officers is the processing of loans, including documentation.
Federal Bank Officer Scale 1 has to supervise the activities of the clerks in the departments they work.
Federal Bank POs have to work closely with customers and help them with their queries in regards to ATM, Demand Drafts (DD), opening bank accounts and issuing of cheque books, etc.
They have to work and gain experience in different departments of the bank, like Finance, Marketing, Accounts, Loans, etc. and learn how to manage them.

Federal Bank PO Salary Details 2021

The Federal Bank PO Salary structure attracts a lot of candidates for recruitment. The salary structure is as given: the starting Basic Pay applicable to Officers (in Scale I) is 23700 on the scale of pay 23700 - 980/7 - 30560 โ€“ 1145/2 - 32850 โ€“ 1310/7 โ€“ 42020. The officials will also be eligible for perks like DA, Lease rental/HRA, CCA, Medical, and other allowances & perquisites as per rules in force from time to time. The cost to the company per annum would be a minimum of 7.50 lakhs and a maximum of 9.40 lakhs depending upon the place of posting and several other factors.

Federal Bank PO Cut Off 2021

The Federal Bank PO Cut Off 2021 will be released soon along with the result by the bank on the official website. Candidates are required to obtain more than or equivalent to the Federal Bank PO Cut Off 2021 to be eligible for the next rounds of the recruitment process. The Federal Bank will release the final merit list along with the Cut Off for the candidates selected for the post. The Key Highlights are:

Federal Bank PO Exam Admit Card

The admit card to give the online exam will be issued to the selected candidates only. The card will be released via electronic mode only and all the candidates who will be appearing in the exam are suggested to download their admit card call from the bankโ€™s official website. All the test takers need to mention their registration number and password while downloading the card. No one will be provided with hard copies of the admit card. It is imperative to download the admit card as it includes all the details related to the exam center, date of the test, timings of the exam, etc.

This admit card along with a photocopy and original of any identity proof has to be produced during the online exam.

Ways to download the Federal Bank PO admit card include:

  • Check the official website of the bank.
  • Look for the recent notification about downloading the admit card available on the home page.
  • Click on the download option.
  • Make sure that you have mentioned the correct registration number & D.O.B, else you will not be able to download the card.
  • After viewing all the facts presented on this card, download the same and take a printout.

What all facts are available on the admit card:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Hall Ticket Number
  • Registration Number
  • Timings to give the test
  • Location of the Exam Center
  • Gender
  • Name of the exam
  • Reporting time
  • Date of Birth
  • Photo and sign
  • Important instructions


Federal Bank PO Preparation For the English Language

  • Brush up the basic rules of English grammar โ€“ Parts of Speech, Voice Change, Tenses, Narration, Phrases
  • and Idioms, Singular and Plural, Articles, etc.
  • Make sure you go through a sufficient number of examples to understand the grammatical rules.
  • Practice every type of question-related to grammatical rules โ€“ Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test, Error Spotting, etc.
  • Learn the meaning and usage of new words. Also, learn opposite words.
  • Read English books and newspapers to improve your vocabulary and knowledge of the usage of grammatical rules.
  • Practice both story-based and fact-based Comprehension Tests.

Federal Bank PO Preparation For Numerical Ability

  • Understand the theory behind various concepts.
  • Make notes of the formulas and memorize them.
  • Go through example problems.
  • Solve as many practice questions as possible with increasing difficulty levels.
  • Do not try to learn any shortcuts directly. You will discover them with practice and that way you wonโ€™t have to memorize them.

Federal bank PO Preparation For Computer Awareness

  • Read about the basics of Computer Hardware and Software, like I/O Devices, CPU, DBMS, Email, Internet, Computer Abbreviations, Operating Systems, etc.
  • For certain topics like keyboard shortcuts, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.), it is always better to practice them on a Computer system. That way, you will memorize them easily.
  • Practice questions.

Federal Bank PO Preparation For General, Socio-Economic & Banking Awareness

  • Read newspapers regularly, especially the pages on Business, Politics, Economy, International Affairs, Sports and Science & Technology.
  • Make notes of important points and revise them regularly.
  • Read a recent yearbook to get updates about important events and affairs that happened in the last year.
  • Subscribe to one or two magazines for General Knowledge and Current Affairs.

Federal Bank PO/Clerk Result

The Federal Bank Result will be released on the official website. The result shall include both Federal Bank PO Result and Federal Bank Clerk Result. We will update the Federal Bank final result here after the release.

Federal Bank PO/Clerk FAQs

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Federal bank PO notification 2021:

Q. What is the exam date for Federal Bank PO 2021?

A. The Federal Bank PO 2021 exam dates have not been announced yet. the official notification that contains this information will be released soon.

Q. Is there any negative marking in the Federal Bank PO exam?

A. 0.25 negative marking for every wrong answer.

Q. Is the Federal Bank PO conducted in Online or offline mode?

A. The Federal Bank PO exam is conducted in online mode.

Q. Is there any relaxation of age provided to SC and ST of other states in the Federal Bank PO exam?

A. No, there is age relaxation for SC and ST candidates. However, application fees are less for such candidates.

Q. Can a final year student apply for both the Federal Bank PO?

A. Final year students cannot apply for either of the Federal Bank exams as the bank clearly states that an aspirant should possess the stipulated educational qualification before applying for any of its competitive exams. Students whose final results are yet to be published by the University/College by 27.08.2018, hold the eligibility to apply for the exams.

Q. Is there Prelims and Mains in the Federal Bank PO exam?

A. No, the Federal Bank PO exam has only one written test โ€“ the Online Aptitude Test.

Q. Can I appear for Group Discussion and Personal Interview without clearing the Online Aptitude Test?

A. No, to appear for the GD and PI round, you have to clear the Online Aptitude Test.

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