BTET Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

BTET Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 7, 2021


Tom Helson

BTET is the abbreviated form of the Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test. BTET is conducted by Bihar School Education Board (BSEB). The exam is conducted to shortlist candidates for teaching jobs at primary levels. There are two papers in BTET exams for two different levels, Paper I is for classes I to V and PaperII is for classes VI to VII. Passing this test makes one eligible to apply for the vacancies or the teaching posts for the said level.


Date of BTET 2020 November 2021 (tentatively)
Conducting body Bihar School Education Board (BSEB)
Mode of BTET 2020 Offline
Duration of BTET 2020 2.5 hours
Eligibility Different for the categories
Number of vacancies 35000 plus
Minimum cut off percentile 50% of the total marks
Language Hindi
Exam helpline number 91- 78 7835049876 / 7835049880/ 7835049877/ 7835049879
Exam Website


BTET notification 2021 will be released by BSEB in the month of September tentatively.

Important Exam Dates

APSET exam dates 2021 have been announced by Andhra University. Candidates can check APSET 2021 exam dates below.

BTET 2021 Events BTET 2021 Dates Salient Features
BTET Notification September 2021 (tentatively) BTET notification 2021 will be released by BSEB in the month of September tentatively.
BTET Online Registration September 2021 (tentatively) BTET online registration will start in September tentatively.
BTET Admit Card October/November (tentatively) BTET admit card for 2021 will be released in October/November tentatively.
BTET Exam November 2021 (tentatively) BTET exam will be conducted tentatively in November for all the successfully registered candidates.
BTET Result To be updated To be updated
BTET Document Verification To be updated To be updated

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for BTET are defined by age, nationality, and educational criteria.

Age Criteria:
  • The minimum age limit is 21 years as of January 1, 2020.
  • The maximum age limit is 35 years as of January 1, 2020.
  • Age relaxation for female/SC/ST/OBC candidates is 5% depending upon the reservation criteria defined by the authorities.
  • In the case of reserved category female candidates, only 1 reservation rule is applied.

Only Indian nationals possessing the domicile of Bihar state can apply for the exam.

Educational Criteria:

For Teachers I-V classes (Paper-1):

  • Class 10 must be passed with a minimum of 45% marks or equivalent.
  • Students appearing in Final Four year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.ED)/2-year Diploma in Elementary Education/2 year Diploma in Education in Special Education are also eligible to appear in Bihar TET.
  • Candidates who have qualified B.SC/ BA/ Degree with a score of 50% marks and B.ED qualification candidates are also eligible to apply for the exam
For teachers VI-VIII Classes (Paper-II):

Students who possess B.SC /BA/ Degree and those who are appearing in final year in B.SC/ D.ED/BA/ course with the aggregate of 45% marks and passed/appearing in Senior Secondary /B.ED with the minimum of 50% marks and passed or appearing in final four years Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.EI.ED) / 4 years BA/B.SC, B.ED or BA (ED)/BSC. (ED)/B.ED (Special Education) with the score of 50% marks in B.Sc /BA or are eligible for Bihar TET can teach for class VI-VIII

Application Process

The application form has to be filled in the online mode only. It is best to read the BTET eligibility criteria before filling the application form. In case you are applying for multiple posts, a separate form has to be filled with each post.

  • Step 1:BTET online registration
  • Step 2:Uploading the scanned copy of the photograph and signature
  • Step 3:BTET application fee payment

The details of each of the steps involved are as follows:

  • Step 1: BTET online registration
    • Open the official BSEB website and click on โ€œRegister online for BTET 2020โ€.
    • Give the details of your name, age, mobile number, and email id for registration.
    • On successful BTET Registration, an email activation link will be sent to your registered email Id.
    • A username and password will be given on the link.
    • Provide the details of the username and password on the official website and reset the password at your convenience.

    Note: BTET online form filling: (teachers who are already working at the teaching posts do not have to register separately Bihar TET 2020 paper 1 and Paper 2 or both papers, a single registration is enough)

    Once the registration is done successfully, then you need to provide details as follows:

    • Candidateโ€™s Complete name
    • Fatherโ€™s name, work details, age, mobile number, residence address.
    • Education qualification details of your father.
    • Motherโ€™s name, work details, age, mobile number, residence address.
    • Education details of your mother.
    • Residence phone number
    • Residence details
    • Permanent address and correspondence address
    • Candidateโ€™s date of birth details
    • Candidateโ€™s Place of birth
    • Category details (General/ SC/ST/OBC/PH)
    • Gender (Male/ Female)
    • Class 10 passing year, percentage details, and schooling details.
    • Backlogs in any subject in class 10( if any)
    • Class 12 details of passing, percentage in class 12, stream (science/ commerce/ arts).
    • Details of graduation/ diploma/ post graduation/ B.Ed or D.Ed.
    • Select the option if you are writing only paper 1/ only paper 2/ or both paper 1 and paper 2.
  • Step 2: Uploading the scanned copy of the documents
    • Students need to upload the scanned copy of the photograph and signature as per the specifications defined.
    • Documents that fail on the parameters defined will not be accepted as part of the application form.
    • The size of both the photograph and signature must be less than 1MB.
  • Step 3: Payment of application fee
    • Click on the option โ€œPay application feeโ€.
    • There are two options online or offline.
    • If you select the online option then the application fee has to be paid by debit/credit card.
    • In case of offline download, the SBI e- challan receipt, print the receipt and pay the application fee at the designated SBI branch.

Payment of BTET application fee through an e-invoice

  • In this case, you must take a printout of the e-slip uploaded online, on an A-4 size paper. This will contain two slips. One slip named as Bank copy has to be submitted to the bank after the application fee has been paid another copy has to be kept safely for future reference.
  • It will take 48 hours to update the system so make sure you wait for 48 hours or 72 hours after the application fee has been paid.
  • The application fee will not be refunded or transferred under any situation.

BTET Application fee:

Category Paper -1 Paper -2 Both Paper (1 and 2)
General/ OBC/ BC Rs. 500 Rs. 500 Rs. 800
SC/ST/OBC Rs. 300 Rs. 300 Rs. 500

Admit Card

BTET admit card will be issued in online mode for all the candidates whose application form has been accepted.

BTET Admit Card will be released 15 days before the commencement of the qualifying examination. Admit card will contain the following details- Name of the candidate, Date of Birth, Roll no., Date & time, Venue of the examination.

Steps to download the Admit card:

  • Open BSEB website.
  • Select the link for โ€œdownload BTET 2020 admit cardโ€.
  • Provide the details of the username and password created while filling the application form.
  • Login to the portal and download the admit card in PDF format.
  • Take a printout of the completely filled application form.

Additional documents needed for the BTET admit card:

  • As such, there is no requirement defined for carrying a photo ID proof on the exam date, but you can carry one of the photo ID proof along with the admit card.
  • ID proof is your driving license, PAN card/ Aadhar card, or any affidavit which is issued by government bodies, that can work as an ID proof.

Exam Pattern

BTET 2020 Exam Pattern is expected to remain the same, as per the guidelines defined. The following are the highlights:

  • All questions are MCQ-based.
  • Total of 150 questions in the exam.
  • As per the marking scheme, 1 mark is awarded for every correct answer and no negative marking for any incorrect answer.
  • Every question will have 4 options and only 1 has to be marked as the correct answer.
  • Answers have to be marked in the OMR sheet using a pen/pencil as per the directives were given by the authorities.
BTET 2020 Exam pattern paper 1:
Name of subject Total questions Total marks
Child development 30 30
Language I 30 30
Language II 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental studies 30 30
Total 150 150
BTET 2020 Exam pattern paper II:
Name of subject Total questions Total marks
Child development 30 30
Language I 30 30
Language II 30 30
Compulsory subject 60 60
Total 150 150


Child Development

  • The concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs:
  • Learning and Pedagogy
  • Concept of development and its relationship with learning

Language Knowledge

  • Grammar
  • Unseen Passage
  • Language Pedagogy

Environmental Studies

  • Water
  • Travel
  • Things We Make and Do
  • Family and Friends
  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Related to Subjects: Pedagogical Issues

Social Studies

  • Social & Political life
  • Information Technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Social Studies Pedagogy


  • Food
  • How things work
  • Materials
  • Natural Resources
  • The World of the Living
  • Pedagogy of Science
  • Moving Things People and Ideas
  • Natural Phenomena

Selection Process

BTET is conducted to check the eligibility of the candidates who are willing to join as teachers at primary levels in different government schools under the Bihar Education Department. Find the selection process for BTET below:

Step 1: BTET online application

Candidates willing to apply for the posts are required to fill the online application form on the official website of the board. Here, candidates have to enter their basic details, educational qualifications, post preference (levels or classes), etc. Also, candidates have to select the district of their test center while filling the application form for BTET. After that, candidates have to proceed to pay online BTET application fees as per category and the number of papers they are going to apply for.
After successful submission of the BTET application form along with the application fee, candidates will receive a confirmation mail mentioning their application number or registration number.

Step 2: Download BTET admit card

BSEB will release BTET admit cards for all successfully registered candidates seven to ten days before the written exam. BTET Admit Card for Paper I and Paper II will be released separately on the official website. Candidates will find all the details including exam center name, roll number, exam schedule on their BTET admit card.

Step 3: BTET written exam

BTET exam is conducted in two parts, Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is for candidates appearing for classes I to V and Paper II is for classes VI to VII. There will be 150 questions in each paper and the composite time for each paper is two and a half hours. Questions are drafted in objective or MCQ format. Read more: BTET exam pattern.

Step 4: BTET result

BTET result will declare the names of all successful candidates in the written test. Candidates who secure qualifying marks in BTET written test will be awarded BTET certificates. This certificate will remain valid for a period of seven years.


BTET result will be announced in the month of December 2020. However, the date will be declared officially through a notification released by BSEB.

How to check BTET 2020 result?
  • Open the BTET official website
  • Enter the details of your roll number and date of birth.
  • Click on โ€œSearchโ€.
  • Your name will be coming along with your roll number in the PDF list if it is accepted by the system.

Expected Cut Off

Cut-off will be declared separately for each of the categories. Students who will clear the minimum cut-off will be asked to appear for the interview.

NICL Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the total number of vacancies in BTET?

A: BTET vacancy for 2021 has not been released yet. In BTET notification 2019, there was a vacancy for more than 35000 posts.

Q: What is the BTET application fee?

A: The BTET application fee for the General/ OBC/ BC category is Rs 500 and for the other categories BTET application fee is Rs 300 (for one paper).

Q: How many papers are there in BTET?

A: BTET is conducted in two parts, Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is for candidates appearing for classes I to V and Paper II is for classes VI to VII.

Q: Is BTET conducted online?

A: BTET is conducted in an offline or pen-paper mode where candidates have to mark their answers on the OMR sheets with a pen.

Q: What is the minimum cutoff percentage in BTET?

A: BTET cutoff is 50% of the total marks for both papers.

Q: How many subjects are there in BTET paper I?

A: There are five subjects in BTET paper I.

Q: What is the educational qualification for BTET paper I?

A: A Bachelorโ€™s degree in any discipline along with a B.Ed degree.

Q: How many subjects are there in BTET paper II?

A: There are four subjects in BTET paper II.

Q: What is the educational qualification for BTET paper II?

A: A Bachelorโ€™s degree in any discipline along with a B.Ed degree.

Q: What is the purpose of the BTET exam?

A: To recruit teachers for primary levels (classes I-V and classes VI-VII) in different Bihar government schools.

Q: Who conducts the BTET exam?

A: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) conducts BTET.

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