Diploma in Computer Science & Technology | Women's Polytechnic Agartala, Tripura | - EasyShiksha

Women's Polytechnic Agartala, Tripura |

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Hapania, P.O. Amtali via Shekerkote, Agartala, Tripura




(4 reviews)

Diploma in Computer Science & Technology

Diploma in Computer Science & Technology

Duration:  3 Years Diploma Study Mode:  Regular

About Women's Polytechnic Agartala, Tripura |

Women's Polytechnic was established as the first Institute of its kind for promoting technical education to the women of Tripura. Women's Polytechnic was established in the year 2003 with the pioneering branch of Information Technology (IT), approaved by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and affiliated to WBSCTE (West Bengal State Council of Technical Education), Kolkata, in the premises of Polytechnic Institute (now Tripura Institute of Technology), Narsingarh, Agartala, Tripura(West). In 2004, two additional new branches, namely, Medical Lab Technology (MLT) and Fashion Technology (FT) were incorporated. The Institute in its new campus has been formally inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Ministerof Tripura, Shri Manik Sarkar, on the 29th of January, 2007.At present the college is affiliated to the Tripura University (A Central University) and offers four courses with an intake capacity of a hundred students per year.

Women's Polytechnic is located at a distance of about 1(one) km from Amtali Bazar towards the west. It is about 9(nine) km approximately far from the capital city Agartala. It is a semi urban area. The institute is spread over an area of 8(eight) acre land, encircled by green belt.


To know more about Women's Polytechnic Agartala, Tripura |, please visit their website: https://wptripura.nic.in , where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Women's Polytechnic Agartala, Tripura | is well known college/university among students these days.


01Shri Dipak Lal Roy, PrincipalMobile:- 9436462575

email id:- dlroy508@gmail.com


02Shri Partha Pratim Das, DDOMobile:-


03Shri Amar Debnath

Examination in-charge

04Dr. Apurba Saha


NSS Cell

05Dr. Surajit Debnath


Training & Placement Cell

06Shri Manash Ch. Das

Mobile:-+91 9774788452

Library Affairs

07Dr. Surajit Debnath, ConvenerMobile:-

Games & Sports

08Shri Partha Pratim Das, Convener


Women's Polytechnic, Agartala the students are endowed with all convenient amenities that make their life 'go easy' in college hours, alongside make learning more interesting. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet/ wifi connectivity, medical facilities etc.


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The Training & Placement Cell of Women's Polytechnic is an important segment of the Institute which looks into imparting the technical exposure to the students of all branches, during and after their course in various organizations, inside and outside the state. It maintains the records of all the students of all branches in a prescribed format. Final year students who are in the final semester are required to submit their Bio-Data with the Training & Placement Cell. The Cell also keeps in contact with the pass-outs who go outside the state either for pursuing Higher Studies or for employment. This is to keep a track of all the pass-outs in the interest of the Institute. For this, the pass-out students must inform their where abouts to the concerned Training & Placement co-ordinators.

Contact No : Get Contact No. Now

Email : Get Email Contact Now

Website : wptripura.nic.in

Address : Hapania, P.O. Amtali via Shekerkote, Agartala, Tripura

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