vardhaman mahaveer open university kota admission 2018, courses, contact, fees details. Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU or previously known as Kota Open University, renamed through a Gazette notification by the Government of Rajasthan on 21st September 2002) came into being in 1987 as a pioneering institution for open learning in Rajasthan. The idea of establishing an open university in the State of Rajasthan has its origin in the observations of the UGC Committee under the Chairmanship of Late Prof. G. Rama Reddy which observed that รข??the distance system in Rajasthan is well established and has the potential of growing into a full-fledged Open University.
The establishment of VMOU (Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University) took place with the amalgamation of two institutes of correspondences courses viz. Institute of Correspondence Studies and Continuing Education Jaipur and (College of Correspondence Studies) Udaipur with a view to strengthen and achieve proper coordination among the scattered vast distance education resources and to serve the people of State a uniform high quality education.
VMOU as an institution of Open Distance Learning, in essence, intends to take education to individuals who are unable to leave home or workplace to seek education from a regular or conventional educational institution. By adopting multiple strategies like liberal admission criteria, delivering study material at affordable prices at the doorstep of the students, timely counselling and other student support services, flexible time schedule, etc. VMOU seeks to facilitate many students who, for such reasons like multiple responsibilities or inadequacies of time, space and money have not been able to access higher education through conventional universities.
The major objective of VMOU is to provide educational opportunities to a larger segment of the population, particularly disadvantaged groups such as SC/ST, people living in rural and remote areas, women, in-service people and so on. VMOU is one of the premier institutions of Distance Learning and higher education in India. At present it is offering 80 Academic Programmes which include Ph.D., M.Phil., Post Graduation, Graduation, P.G. Diploma, Diploma and Certificate Programmes.
To know more about Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota, please visit their website at, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota is well known college/university among students these days.