Welcome to the University of Oxford. People from all walks of life and all parts of the world have been visiting here for nine centuries and they are delighted that via this website students are joining that long tradition. Oxford was the first University in the English-speaking world. Their aim is to remain at the forefront of centres of learning, teaching and research. There are over 20,000 students at Oxford, including 11,734 undergraduates and 8,101 postgraduates.53 per cent of undergraduates are studying for degrees in the humanities and social sciences, and 43 per cent in the medical, mathematical, physical and life sciences.
University students are attracted by the chance to study at an internationally-renowned university, with outstanding academic achievement and innovation.Oxford's university community is truly international. Students currently come from 138 countries around the world and study a wide range of subjects. They make up one third of our student body, including 14 percent of their full-time undergraduate students and 63 percent of their full-time postgraduates.