LMU Munich is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500-year-long tradition.They build upon their success in the Excellence Initiative, a Germany-wide competition promoting top-level university research, to enhance their research profile over the next years and strengthen their position at an international level.
Some 700 professors and 3,300 academic staff members conduct research and teach in the universityâ??s 18 faculties, offering a wide and well-differentiated spectrum that covers all areas of knowledge, whether humanities and cultural sciences, law, economics and sociology, or medicine and the sciences. As a genuine â??universitasâ?ย LMU Munich has the unique opportunity and a deep obligation to deal with the ever more complex questions facing humankind, society, culture, the environment and technology by creating interdisciplinary solutions.
With degree programs available in 150 subjects in numerous combinations, the array of courses thay have to offer is extremely wide. Some 44,000 students, 15 percent of whom come to us from abroad, are currently taking advantage of these opportunities. They view their studies as an investment in the future, a launching pad for their later careers.