Infrastructure Overview at Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
The spacious campus provides adequately for all academic, research & co-curricular activities. The place is well connected by road being on the National Highway and Power, water supply and communication links are available. It is provided with spacious buildings to accommodate Reception., Administrative Office, Classrooms, Staff Rooms, Laboratories, Library, Auditoriums, Conference Halls, Examination Hall and Recreation centers for staff and students.
Hostel Information of Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
The college have well furnished hostel accommodation is provided separately for Boys and Girls. These are located with adequate open space and gardens around them within the campus. Both the blocks have reading rooms with T.V.& Mess facilities etc.
Laboratory Information of Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
The Dental College is well equipped for analytical research. Labs available for students to carry out their practical studies.
Classrooms Overview at Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
All the classrooms of the college are well furnished with all modern facilities.
Library Details at Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
A spacious and well-equipped library with latest textbooks, reference books and journals. The college library stocks over 1,550 books on all branches of study. The library also subscribes to Indian and foreign journals on medical and volumes of the journals is also available for reference keeping pace with the developments in the field of information technology. The library provides Internet Services like surfing the desired educational website.
Extra Curricular Activities at Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital
The diverse activities on campus provide a platform for the meeting and mutual development of young men and women as adults. Every activity is part of a moral and intellectual learning process that is stimulating and vibrant. Every Programmes, Club activities, and seminars sensitize students to current issues and serve to broaden their perspectives.