About MIT School of Distance Education, Kothrud
Founded in the year 2005, MITSDE (MIT School of Distance Education) is a prestigious institute that offers professional programs in distance learning mode. MIT is counted amongst the first in professional education to offer academic programs at more than 36 institutions for over 55000 students annually. The institute was set up by teachers who believed that value-based quality education is the key to success. The programs delivered by MIT cover a wide spectrum of professional opportunities in the listed below fields in classroom as well as distance learning mode:
- Management
- Engineering
- Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Insurance
Jaipur National University, set up with an aim to establish a renowned/world class Educational Campus in the North East Region of the country.
Set up by down town Charity Trust, ADTU is one of the largest educational projects in the North East. As part of the goal to develop the region's human resource, a large educational campus has partly started in Panikhaiti, Assam offering Nursing and Paramedical Programs, Management programs on post graduate and graduate level including Specialized MBA programs and IT programs on MCA,MSC IT and undergraduate programs.
As per the provisions of the Assam Private Universities Act 2007, the Trust has successfully received University Status for its Panikhaiti Campus, in 2010. The campus which is over 45 acres alongside the Brahmaputra river, houses a 300 bed teaching hospital. Academic and support services have also been established, spanning an area of over 300, 0000 square feet.
To know more about MIT School of Distance Education, Kothrud,
please visit their website:
http://www.mitsde.com/ ,
where you can check news update, application form, exam dates,
admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important
details. MIT School of Distance Education, Kothrud is well known
college/university among students these days.