The Corporate Resource Cell of Mahaveer College of Commerce, Jaipur, understands the need of the hour and is dedicated in providing advice, guidance and support for students who aspire high to reach their goals. The Cell motivates the students to pursue their goals by enhancing their confidence by the way of Personality Development, Team Building, Group Discussions and Mock Interviews through sessions by Professional’s in varied fields. The Cell aims at providing exposure to the real world by the way of Industrial Visits and training which strives to make the students job fit for Global World. This cell is actively involved in creating job opportunities for the students in top companies in all the sectors such as Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Hotels, Information Technology, Airlines, etc. Few names of the reputed companies that hired our students are as under:
Deutsche Bank
Activant Solutions
Spice Jet
Institute of Shipping
Versatile Consultancy Services Authorized by Reliance Industries
Global Technology Ltd.