Jesus and Mary College admission, courses, fees, review, photos and campus video details. Under Graduate & Post Graduate, was established in 1968. The college is also known as JMC. JMC was established by the congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary. In 1818, this congregation was founded by Saint Claudine Thevenet in Lyons(France). The mission of Jesus and Mary College is 'We accompany and mentor our students so that they develop as women of competence, compassion and conscience, and empowered with ignited minds and hearts, pursue the goal of transformation of our society.' The core values of Jesus and Mary College are teamwork, easy sharing of knowledge, mutual trust, promotion of social capital and resources to create a vibrant society The vision of Jesus and Mary College is 'JMC, partnering in the Vision of Christ, makes its contribution to the creation of a just, humane and inclusive society on earth through providing trans formative education.' This college offers all round and an integrated education. JMC is committed to make the students grow into women with a strong sense of family and educate them national and social responsibility.Jesus and Mary College provides many word class facilities. Some major facilities are a well equipped library, Laboratories, Multipurpose hall, Gym, Indoor and outdoor sports facilities, air cooled cafeteria, Counseling Room, Auditorium, Bank facility, Book Store, Common Room, Photocopier, Prayer Room, etc.
To know more about Jesus and Mary College New Delhi,, please visit their website at, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Jesus and Mary College New Delhi, is well known college/university among students these days.