Ethical hacking | Institute of Advance Network Technology Jaipur - EasyShiksha
Ethical hacking

Ethical hacking

Duration:  3 Months Certification

Study Mode:  Regular

Institute Details

Institute of Advance Network Technology Jaipur is the fastest growing IT institute having Centres all across India. Since its inception in 1999, IANT has developed a rapport in the education industry to provide quality training in hardware, Software, Networking & Multimedia. In the past 12 Years, IANT has grown up from a single institute at Ahmedabad in Gujarat to 65+ Centers in all over India and still on the way to observe this growth doubled in the coming session.
Courses at IANT are Exclusive designed by the team of Education experts who are highly motivated to set standards in the field of IT education. After close analysis of education trends in India, IANT observes that most of the Institutes lack the willingness to deliver education in corporate manner. IANT is known for corporate style Education delivery. As the Technology changes, IANT updates its labs also so that students can be facilitated with real life hands on experience. 
IANT has a separate division in the name of students care centre and the main work of students care centre is to rejuvenate the interest and enthusiasm of every student at IANT. We believe that a fresh mind learns earlier and keep the knowledge lasting. Revision sessions and repetition of important topic maintains the freshness of knowledge of every student at the time of interview . 
The Unbeatable quality at IANT is maintained by our team of trainers who are certified by Microsoft, Cisco, SCO, NOVELL, COMPTIA, ORACLE, SUN & IBM. 
IANT is affiliated to University of U.S.A ( Atlanta) and London Business Academy ( LBA) , London, U.K.  

To know more about Institute of Advance Network Technology Jaipur, please visit their website at, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Institute of Advance Network Technology Jaipur is well known college/university among students these days.

Contact Details

Institute of Advance Network Technology Jaipur

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Address : A-201,202, Manki Plaza, Indrapuri Atithi Gruh,Waghodia Road

Sindhi Camp, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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