Calcutta National Medical College (CNMC) proffers courses such as Bachelor Of Medicine and Bachelor Of Surgery. National Medical Institute issued its own “Nat M.B” Certficate. In 1927 it was officiated for the L.M.F course ( 4 years ) of State Medical Faculty of Bengal. Teaching section was shifted to 32 Gorachand Road , Entally In 1930 Government of Bengal granted Rs.4 lacks & with public donation 13 Bighas was purchased from Calcutta Improvement Trust ( C.I.T ) & school was completed by 1931 with two large two storied buildings one lecture theaters, Laboratories etc & another Anatomical block with large dissection hall etc Students also attend Calcutta Medical School. Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital In 1964 College was totally moved to Gorachand road.In 1967 the Institute was taken over by the Government.In 1972 Rammohan Block was constructed. On 5.3.1976 the Institute became nationalized. Calcutta National Medical Institute was established in June 1948 by the amalgamation of National Medical Institute at 32 Gorachand Road & Calcutta Medical Institute at Upper Circular Road after selling their properties.Property at Upper Circular Road was sold to E.S.I ( M.B. ) Scheme.
To know more about Calcutta National Medical College Kolkata, West Bengal , please visit their website at Click Here, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Calcutta National Medical College Kolkata, West Bengal is well known college/university among students these days.