Inyuvesi yaseCambridge | Uhlu Oluphezulu Lwekolishi ngu-EasyShiksha

I-University of Cambridge

Cambridge England Ngo-1209
Imininingwane Yesikhungo

Isungulwe ngonyaka we-1209, iNyuvesi yaseCambridge winabafundi abangaphezu kuka-18,000 abavela emhlabeni wonke, cishe abasebenzi abayizi-9,000, amaKolishi angama-31 kanye neMinyango eyi-150, bebeletha imfundo esezingeni lomhlaba kuyo yonke imikhakha.

I-Cambridge ingelinye lamanyuvesi aphambili emhlabeni elinabasebenzi abahle kakhulu bokufundisa abavela kubaholi abaningi bezifundo zezwe kanye nasemhlabeni.

Inyuvesi futhi ihlinzeka ngezifundo zesikhashana ezivakashini zamazwe ngamazwe.

Ukuze uthole okwengeziwe nge-University of Cambridge, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi yabo ku Chofoza lapha, lapho ungabheka khona isibuyekezo sezindaba, ifomu lesicelo, izinsuku zokuhlolwa, amakhadi okuvuma, izinsuku zokufakwa kwedrayivu, neminye imininingwane ebalulekile eyengeziwe. IYunivesithi yaseCambridge yaziwa kakhulu ekolishi/inyuvesi phakathi kwabafundi kulezi zinsuku.

Imininingwane Yokuxhumana

I-University of Cambridge

Inombolo Yokuxhumana: Thola Inombolo Yokuxhumana Manje

Email: Thola Oxhumana Naye Nge-imeyili Manje


Ikheli: The Old Schools, Trinity Ln, Cambridge CB2 1TN, UK


I-MBA Master of Business Administration. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Environmental Design. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

IDiploma ku-Economics. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil Architecture ngocwaningo. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Engineering for Sustainable Development. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-PhD ku-Clinical Biochemistry. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

M.Phil kwezobunjiniyela. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Advanced Computer Science. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Pharmacology. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

MPhil kuBioscience Enterprise. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-P.hD. ku-Biochemistry. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Physics. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

MPhil kuPhilosophy. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-PhD ku-Economics. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-PhD kuSayensi Yezitshalo. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

M.Phil ku-Biological Science. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

M.Phil ku-Biological Science. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

I-MPhil ku-Advanced Chemical Engineering. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo

MPhil Kwezemfundo. (IBachelor of Technology)

Mayelana Nezifundo
Isilinganiso Senyuvesi Sisonke


(Kusekelwe kuzibuyekezo ezingu-36)

4-5 3-4 2-3 1-2 0-1
I-90% Qedile
I-70% Qedile
I-50% Qedile
I-30% Qedile
I-10% Qedile









anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


Linganisa Lokhu Bese Ubhala Ukuphawula Kwakho Okubalulekile

Thola ukuxhumana

Umsebenzi Wakamuva
Amakolishi afanayo
Izifundo Eziku-inthanethi Ezithrendayo Ngesitifiketi

Izwa Isivinini: Manje Iyatholakala Kumakhalekhukhwini!

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