MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA | Uhlu Oluphezulu Lwekolishi ngu-EasyShiksha


KHAMMAM Est 1963
Imininingwane Yesikhungo

Isikole i-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI sitholakala endaweni yase-GOPATHI yase-KONIJERLA. I-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI isesifundeni sase-KHAMMAM esifundazweni sase-ANDHRA PRADESH. pincode ithi 507305. I-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA yasungulwa ngonyaka we-1963. Ukuphathwa kwe-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI is Local Body. UMPUPS CHINA GOPATHI uyi-P. enesikole sase-U.Primary. Isimo sokusebenzisana se-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI esokubambisana kwezemfundo. Isimo sokuhlala se-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI singuNo. kanti uhlobo lokuhlala lwe-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI yi-Ashram (Govt). Ingqikithi yenani labafundi ku-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA ngu-121. Ingqikithi yenani lothisha ku-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA bangu-8. Isamba senani labafundi abangafundisi e-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI ngu-0. Indlela yokufundisa nge-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI isiTelugu . Ingqikithi yenani lamagumbi ekilasi e-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI angu-4. Isamba senani lamanye amagumbi e-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI si-1. Ingqikithi yenani lamabhodi amnyama ku-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI ngu-4. Ingqikithi yenani lezincwadi kumtapo wolwazi we-MPUPS CHINA I-GOPATHI ingu-60. Ingqikithi yenani lamakhompyutha ku-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA ngu-0. Isilinganiso sothisha sabafundi se-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI I-KONIJERLA yi-15.00000. Isilinganiso sekilasi labafundi se-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI singu-30.00000. Iphesenti lokuphasa kwe-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI ngu-100.00000. Amaphesenti abafundi abathole ikilasi lokuqala ku-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI ngu-0.00000.
Ukuze uthole okwengeziwe nge-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi yabo kokuthi Chofoza lapha, lapho ungabheka khona isibuyekezo sezindaba, ifomu lesicelo, izinsuku zokuhlolwa, amakhadi okuvuma, izinsuku zokufakwa kwedrayivu, neminye imininingwane ebalulekile eyengeziwe. I-MPUPS CHINA GOPATHI KONIJERLA ikolishi/inyuvesi eyaziwa kakhulu phakathi kwabafundi kulezi zinsuku.

Imininingwane Yokuxhumana


Inombolo Yokuxhumana: Thola Inombolo Yokuxhumana Manje

Email: Thola Oxhumana Naye Nge-imeyili Manje



Isilinganiso Senyuvesi Sisonke


(Kusekelwe kuzibuyekezo ezingu-36)

4-5 3-4 2-3 1-2 0-1
I-90% Qedile
I-70% Qedile
I-50% Qedile
I-30% Qedile
I-10% Qedile









anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


anjali choudhary


isibuyekezo senyuvesi isihloko sombuyekezi

I-vivekananda global infracture infracture is so gud and interrior has also gud and therir are many building course/ department and their alsohavgud wifi in the campus and he gud spped to wifi and their labs many alloverlabs ayatholakala and all. Imishini iyatholakala ema-labs futhi inamagumbi okufundela amakhulu ekhempasini kanti umtapo wolwazi wawo ngu-3 omkhulu ekhempasini futhi anezindawo zokufundela ehostela. ikhwalithi yokudla i-gud. Enyuvesi yomhlaba wonke ye-vivekananda ka-2017 i-batch kwezobunjiniyela bomphakathi kukhona u-70 -80 % wabafundi abathola indawo futhi iphakheji ephakeme kakhulu ngu-7 -8 lpa kanti isilinganiso se-pakage si-3 - 4 lpa kanti iphakheji eliphansi kakhulu ngu-2 - 3 lpa. futhi inkampani ephezulu yokuphinda isebenze njenge-oppo, mi, genpect njll yizinkampani eziphezulu. kanti abafundi abangu-80% bathola i-interreship ephezulu ehlinzekwa


Linganisa Lokhu Bese Ubhala Ukuphawula Kwakho Okubalulekile

Thola ukuxhumana

Umsebenzi Wakamuva
Amakolishi afanayo
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