HEAT EXCHANGERS: Kusankha, Kuyeza, ndi Kupanga Kwamatenthedwe ndi maphunziro omwe amapereka kumvetsetsa mozama za mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya osinthanitsa kutentha, kusankha kwawo, mlingo ndi njira zopangira kutentha. Maphunzirowa amafotokoza mfundo zofunika kwambiri za kusamutsa kutentha, makina amadzimadzi, ndi thermodynamics monga momwe zimakhudzira kapangidwe kazosinthira kutentha. Ophunzira adzaphunzira za mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya kutentha exchanger monga chipolopolo ndi chubu, mbale ndi chimango, ndi mpweya utakhazikika exchanger kutentha, ndi kuyenerera kwawo ntchito zosiyanasiyana. Aphunziranso za njira zosiyanasiyana zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito poyesa ndikusankha zosinthira kutentha, kuphatikiza kusiyana kwa kutentha kwa chipika, njira ya-NTU, ndi kapangidwe ka kutentha. Kuonjezera apo, maphunzirowa adzakhudza mapangidwe a kutentha kwa osinthanitsa kutentha kuphatikizapo kugwiritsa ntchito zizindikiro za mapangidwe, mapangidwe a zigawo za kutentha, ndi kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamakono zothandizira makompyuta. Maphunzirowa amapangidwira ophunzira a Mechanical and Chemical Engineering ndi akatswiri okhudzana nawo monga Aerospace ndi Energy engineering.
Mitu yomwe tidaphunzira m'phunziroli Kuyambira 8 mpaka 13:
8. Kupanga Zogwirizana kwa Condensers ndi Evaporator
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Kukhazikika
8.3 Kutsitsimuka Kwakanema pa chubu Limodzi Lopingasa
8.3.1 Mafilimu a Laminar Condensation
8.3.2 Kusuntha mokakamiza
8.4 Kukhazikika Kwakanema mu Ma Tube Bundle
8.5 Condensation mkati mwa Machubu
8.6 Kutentha kwa madzi
9. Chipolopolo-ndi-Tube Kutentha Kusinthana
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Zigawo Zoyambira
9.3 Ndondomeko Yoyambira Yamapangidwe a Wosinthanitsa Kutentha
9.4 Shell-Side Heat Transfer ndi Pressure Drop
10. Compact Heat Exchangers
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Kusamutsa Kutentha ndi Kutsitsa Kuthamanga
11. Gasketed-Plate Heat Exchangers
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Mawonekedwe a Makina
11.3 Makhalidwe Ogwirira Ntchito
11.4 Kudutsa ndi Mayendedwe Oyenda
11.5 Mapulogalamu
11.6 Kuwerengera kwa Kutentha kwa Kutentha ndi Kuchepetsa Kupanikizika
11.7 Magwiridwe a Thermal
12. Ma Condensers ndi Evaporator
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Ma Shell ndi Tube Condensers
12.3 Ma Condensers a Steam Turbine Exhaust
12.4 Mabatire a mbale
12.5 Mpweya Woziziritsidwa Condensers
12.6 Direct Contact Condensers
12.7 Mapangidwe Otentha a Shell-and-Tube Condensers
12.8 Zolinga Zopangira ndi Kagwiritsidwe Ntchito
12.9 Ma Condensers a Refrigeration ndi Air-conditioning
12.10 Evaporators for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
12.11 Kusanthula kwa Matenthedwe
12.12 Miyezo ya Evaporator ndi Condensers
13. Polima Kutentha Kusinthana
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (PMC)
13.3 Nanocomposites
13.4 Kugwiritsa Ntchito Ma Polymers mu Heat Exchanger
13.5 Polymer Compact Heat Exchangers
13.6 Kufunsira Kuthekera kwa Polymer Film Compact Heat Exchangers
13.7 Mapangidwe Otentha a Polymer Heat Exchangers