Ko te kura MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU kei te takiwa o MARTHADU o GARLADINNE. Ko MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU kei te takiwa o ANANTAPUR o ANDHRA PRADESH state. pincode is 515731. MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU GARLADINNE was establised in the year 2006. The management of MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU is Local Body. MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he kura tuatahi anake. Ko te mana o te kura tuarua o MPPS BC COLONY, MARTHADU he Maatauranga takirua. Ko te mana noho o MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he Nama me te momo noho o MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU ko Ashram (Govt). The total number of students in MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU GARLADINNE is 50. The total number of teachers in MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU GARLADINNE is 0. The total number of non teaching staff in MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU is 0. The medium of instruction kei MPPS BC COLONY, ko MARTHADU te Telugu. Ko te tapeke o nga ruma karaehe kei MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he 1. Ko te tapeke o etahi atu ruma kei MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he 0. Ko te tapeke o nga papa pango kei MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he 2. Te tapeke o nga pukapuka kei te whare pukapuka o MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU e 230. Te tapeke o nga rorohiko kei MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU Ko GARLADINNE he 0. Ko te ōwehenga o te tauira kaiako o MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU GARLADINNE he 25.00000. Ko te ōwehenga akomanga ākonga o MPPS BC COLONY, MARTHADU he 50.00000. Ko te paheketanga o te paahitanga o MPPS BC COLONY,MARTHADU he 100.00000. Ko te ōrau o ngā ākonga i whiwhi i te karaehe tuatahi i MPPS BC COLONY, MARTHADU he 33.33000.
Ki te mohio atu mo te MPPS BC COLONY, MARTHADU GARLADINNE, tirohia to ratou paetukutuku i Pāwhiri Here, ka taea e koe te tirotiro i nga korero whakahou, te puka tono, nga ra whakamatautau, nga kaari whakauru, nga ra taraiwa tuunga, me etahi atu korero nui. MPPS BC COLONY, Ko MARTHADU GARLADINNE te kaareti / whare wananga rongonui i waenga i nga tauira i enei ra.
Whakapā Kore: Tikina te Nama Whakapā Inaianei
īmēra: Tikina Īmēra Whakapā Inaianei