I whakaturia te Kura Toi o Rajasthan i te tau 1988. Ko te koroni e hono ana ki te Whare Wananga o Rajasthan. E tuku ana i nga akoranga Bachelor of Visual Arts in Applied Arts, Bachelor of Visual Arts in Painting, Bachelor of Visual Arts in Sculpture, Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture (Self Finance), Master of Fine Arts in Applied Arts (Self Finance) and Master of Toi Toi Toi Toi (Self Finance).
Ki te mohio atu mo te Kura Toi o Rajasthan, Jaipur, tirohia to raatau paetukutuku i https://hte.rajasthan.gov.in/college/gcrsajaipur, ka taea e koe te tirotiro i nga korero whakahou, te puka tono, nga ra whakamatautau, nga kaari whakauru, nga ra taraiwa tuunga, me etahi atu korero nui. Te Kura Toi o Rajasthan, Jaipur he tino rongonui te kaareti / whare wananga i waenga i nga akonga i enei ra.