MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI | Top College List by EasyShiksha
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Institutum Singula

The school MPPS HW PAMIDI is located in the area PAMIDI of PAMIDI. MPPS HW PAMIDI is in the ANANTAPUR district of ANDHRA PRADESH state. pincode is 515775. MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI was establised in the year 1991. The management of MPPS HW PAMIDI is Local Body. MPPS HW PAMIDI is a Primary only school. The coeducation status of MPPS HW PAMIDI is Co-Educational. The residential status of MPPS HW PAMIDI is No. and the residential type of MPPS HW PAMIDI is Ashram (Govt). The total number of students in MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI is 65. The total number of teachers in MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI is 2. The total number of non teaching staff in MPPS HW PAMIDI is 0. The medium of instruction in MPPS HW PAMIDI is Telugu. The total number of class rooms in MPPS HW PAMIDI is 1. The total number of other rooms in MPPS HW PAMIDI is 0. The total number of black boards in MPPS HW PAMIDI is 2. The total number of books in the library of MPPS HW PAMIDI is 250. The total number of computers in MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI is 0. The student teacher ratio of MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI is 33.00000. The student classroom ratio of MPPS HW PAMIDI is 65.00000. The pass percentage of MPPS HW PAMIDI is 0.00000. The percentage of students who scored first class in MPPS HW PAMIDI is 0.00000.
To know more about MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI, please visit their website at Clige hic, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. MPPS HW PAMIDI PAMIDI is well known college/university among students these days.

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Universitas Super Rating


(Ex 36 recognitionibus)

4-5 3-4 2-3 1-2 0-1
90 Latin%
70 Latin%
50 Latin%
30 Latin%
10 Latin%









Anjali choudhary


University review heading by CENSOR

Vivkananda universitas globalis infractura tam gud est et interrius etiam gud et therir multa aedificia cursus/decassores habent et eorum etiamhavgud wifi in campo in campo et etiam hae gud ad wifi sparserunt et eorum multae labs alloverlabs praesto sunt et omnia. equpmentum praesto sunt in labs et etiam magnas Integer in campo habent et 3 magnas bibliothecas in campo sunt et etiam facilia gud in hospicio victus qualitas gud est. In vivekananda globaal universitate 2017 massae in machinatione civili sunt 70-80 % studentes collocatio ac sarcina summa 7 -8 lpa est et mediocris fasciculus 3 - 4 lpa et sarcina infima est 2 - 3 lpa. and the top recuriment company like oppo, mi, genpect etc are the top compaines. et 80% studentes adepto intreship verticem revolutum oblatum in


Anjali choudhary


University review heading by CENSOR

Vivkananda universitas globalis infractura tam gud est et interrius etiam gud et therir multa aedificia cursus/decassores habent et eorum etiamhavgud wifi in campo in campo et etiam hae gud ad wifi sparserunt et eorum multae labs alloverlabs praesto sunt et omnia. equpmentum praesto sunt in labs et etiam magnas Integer in campo habent et 3 magnas bibliothecas in campo sunt et etiam facilia gud in hospicio victus qualitas gud est. In vivekananda globaal universitate 2017 massae in machinatione civili sunt 70-80 % studentes collocatio ac sarcina summa 7 -8 lpa est et mediocris fasciculus 3 - 4 lpa et sarcina infima est 2 - 3 lpa. and the top recuriment company like oppo, mi, genpect etc are the top compaines. et 80% studentes adepto intreship verticem revolutum oblatum in


Anjali choudhary


University review heading by CENSOR

Vivkananda universitas globalis infractura tam gud est et interrius etiam gud et therir multa aedificia cursus/decassores habent et eorum etiamhavgud wifi in campo in campo et etiam hae gud ad wifi sparserunt et eorum multae labs alloverlabs praesto sunt et omnia. equpmentum praesto sunt in labs et etiam magnas Integer in campo habent et 3 magnas bibliothecas in campo sunt et etiam facilia gud in hospicio victus qualitas gud est. In vivekananda globaal universitate 2017 massae in machinatione civili sunt 70-80 % studentes collocatio ac sarcina summa 7 -8 lpa est et mediocris fasciculus 3 - 4 lpa et sarcina infima est 2 - 3 lpa. and the top recuriment company like oppo, mi, genpect etc are the top compaines. et 80% studentes adepto intreship verticem revolutum oblatum in


Anjali choudhary


University review heading by CENSOR

Vivkananda universitas globalis infractura tam gud est et interrius etiam gud et therir multa aedificia cursus/decassores habent et eorum etiamhavgud wifi in campo in campo et etiam hae gud ad wifi sparserunt et eorum multae labs alloverlabs praesto sunt et omnia. equpmentum praesto sunt in labs et etiam magnas Integer in campo habent et 3 magnas bibliothecas in campo sunt et etiam facilia gud in hospicio victus qualitas gud est. In vivekananda globaal universitate 2017 massae in machinatione civili sunt 70-80 % studentes collocatio ac sarcina summa 7 -8 lpa est et mediocris fasciculus 3 - 4 lpa et sarcina infima est 2 - 3 lpa. and the top recuriment company like oppo, mi, genpect etc are the top compaines. et 80% studentes adepto intreship verticem revolutum oblatum in


Anjali choudhary


University review heading by CENSOR

Vivkananda universitas globalis infractura tam gud est et interrius etiam gud et therir multa aedificia cursus/decassores habent et eorum etiamhavgud wifi in campo in campo et etiam hae gud ad wifi sparserunt et eorum multae labs alloverlabs praesto sunt et omnia. equpmentum praesto sunt in labs et etiam magnas Integer in campo habent et 3 magnas bibliothecas in campo sunt et etiam facilia gud in hospicio victus qualitas gud est. In vivekananda globaal universitate 2017 massae in machinatione civili sunt 70-80 % studentes collocatio ac sarcina summa 7 -8 lpa est et mediocris fasciculus 3 - 4 lpa et sarcina infima est 2 - 3 lpa. and the top recuriment company like oppo, mi, genpect etc are the top compaines. et 80% studentes adepto intreship verticem revolutum oblatum in


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