Cikakken Darussan Kayan Kwamfuta: Jagorar Amfani da Kwamfuta

*#1 Mafi Shaharar Darasi ta kan layi a Kimiyyar Kwamfuta* Kuna iya yin rajista yau kuma ku sami bokan daga EasyShiksha &

The Complete Computer Basics Course: Master Using Computer Description

The Complete Basic Computer Course: Master Using Computer: Basic Computer Course - Desktop Support - It Support - Computer Basics- Computer Fundamentals - Basic Computer Skills

Understand every concept of Kimiyyan na'urar kwamfuta and becoming a master using it. we all have computers or we are computer students so, in this course, I am focused to help you understand every essential thing you need for the first time because Basic Computer is the #1 thing you have to learn.

Computer concepts are taught in this basic computer course. We will give deeper on input, output, CPU, ram, and storage devices. These concepts will help you to feel easier using a computer. here is the deal. And these topics will increase your creativity and you become independent in finding the right thing.

I used a trick of explaining the art of buying a computer so you understand the advantages of 5 computer components. In this way, it is easier for you to see the use of every component and buy a better computer next time. Let's go with a quick win.

Today, you decided to buy a kwamfuta. the first question you should ask is, "What do you want to do with a computer?, What are your goals?".

Windows, Windows Troubleshooting, and Maintenance is another issue for most people. I have put time for them to help you become good at software. It is System software so let's be great at using it. We will learn everything about Windows 10 (From login screen to Windows installation)


By Taking The Complete Basic Computer Course: Master Using Computer You Wil Be Able To:

  • Identify Computer Components

  • Know the Nowadays Computer Types

  • Buy the Perfect Computers - Computer Buying Standards

  • Understand the Desktop Components

  • Understand the All-In-One Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Learn Laptop Concepts

  • Learn Complete Windows 10

  • Learn Windows 10 Installation

  • Windows 10 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Cutar Kwamfuta

  • Anti-virus types

  • Direba


Don haka kada ku yi shakka,

Join us now to make new experiences today!

Wanene wannan hanya don:

  • Computer Novices
  • People Who Use Computers on A Daily Basis
  • People Who Want to Master Computer Course and Buy One or Guide Others to Buy Computer
  • University Students Who Are in First Year
  • Non-IT Staff Members of An Organization
  • Computing Practitioners
  • Ɗaliban Rayuwa

Bayanin Ilimi

hanya-kulle The Complete Basic Computer Course: Master Using Computer Promo hanya-kulle Reminder! This Is a Real Course with Real Instructor Ready to Answer Questions hanya-kulle Great News Now You Can Ask and Share You Idea on Facebook hanya-kulle Quick Win - Difference SDD better or HDD? hanya-kulle Another Quick Win - Difference Between Ram and Rom hanya-kulle Another Quick Wins! All in one and Laptops hanya-kulle What Is a Computer hanya-kulle You Need to Know Advantages of Computer hanya-kulle Types of Computer Nowadays hanya-kulle You Need to Know Four Components of Computers hanya-kulle Complete Computer Purchasing Guide hanya-kulle Understand Every Type of Computer hanya-kulle Standard of Buying a Computer hanya-kulle Desktop Computers Components You Need to Know While Buying hanya-kulle All in One Computers Components You Need to Know While Buying hanya-kulle Laptops Components You Need to Know While Buying hanya-kulle Quick Win - Add a Second Keyboard Language hanya-kulle Quick Win - how To Have Clean Desktop hanya-kulle Windows 10 Login Screen hanya-kulle Windows 10 Desktop Environment and Interface hanya-kulle Arrange, Sort, Copy Icons and Folder in Desktop hanya-kulle Windows 10 Saitunan Nuni hanya-kulle Personalize Your PC in Windows 10 hanya-kulle Windows 10 Taskbar Options hanya-kulle Windows 10 Fara Menu hanya-kulle This PC options hanya-kulle Folder Options in Windows 10 hanya-kulle Windows Explorer of Windows 10 hanya-kulle Saitunan Windows 10 hanya-kulle Windows 10 Display and Settings hanya-kulle Notification and Action center hanya-kulle Mataimakin Mayar da hankali hanya-kulle Iko & Barci hanya-kulle Battery, Storage, Power and Multi task hanya-kulle Phone and Network hanya-kulle na'urorin hanya-kulle apps hanya-kulle Accounts hanya-kulle Lokaci da Yare hanya-kulle Gaming and Ease of Access hanya-kulle Search, Cortana, Privacy and Update hanya-kulle Microsoft Bitlocker hanya-kulle Folder Security hanya-kulle Gudanar da Disk hanya-kulle How to Boot a Windows or Any Operation System hanya-kulle How to Make USB Flash Windows Bootable hanya-kulle Mark Drive C or The Drive You Want to Install Window in First hanya-kulle The Last Step of Windows Installation hanya-kulle Windows 10 Edition and System Type hanya-kulle virus hanya-kulle Anti cutar hanya-kulle Windows Activation hanya-kulle Direbobin Windows hanya-kulle Windows Backup and Other Softwires hanya-kulle Windows 10 Shortcut hanya-kulle Hibernating Your Pc Is the Best Option hanya-kulle Customize Your Start Menu hanya-kulle Desktop Mode and Switching Between Apps hanya-kulle Take Screenshot Easily hanya-kulle Lock Your Pc Using Shortcut hanya-kulle Shutdown Your Pc Using Cmd and So Much More hanya-kulle Select Multiple Folders with Shortcut hanya-kulle Control Panel and User Accounts hanya-kulle Non-Unicode Programs Language Solution hanya-kulle What is Unicode and Non-Unicode? hanya-kulle Microsoft Office hanya-kulle Microsoft Word hanya-kulle Microsoft Excel hanya-kulle Microsoft PowerPoint hanya-kulle Quick Win - Create Unknown Password hanya-kulle Security Is Everything!!! hanya-kulle Gaggawa nasara - Rashin tsaro yana zuwa daga gare ku da sauransu hanya-kulle Fahimtar Nau'in Tsaro ko Kashi hanya-kulle Masu Ceton Rayuwa - Ya Kamata Ku San Wadannan hanya-kulle Samun kalmar sirrin da ta dace - Fara Amintar da ku Yanzu hanya-kulle Kar A Yi Amfani da Kalmar wucewa ɗaya hanya-kulle Should You Use Longer Password or Complicated! hanya-kulle Mafi kyawun Magani kawai don Yi da Cire Kalmar wucewa mara-Crack-Iya hanya-kulle Lastpass Setup and Configure hanya-kulle Zaɓuɓɓukan Ƙarshe Kashi na 1 hanya-kulle Zaɓuɓɓukan Ƙarshe Kashi na 2 hanya-kulle Zaɓin Ƙarshe Kashi na 3 hanya-kulle 2FA Yana Kara Maku Ƙarfi a Kalmar wucewa hanya-kulle Ƙarshe-Pass & Authy Mobile App hanya-kulle Security Is Everything, Keep Secured Your Devices hanya-kulle Security on Your Data and Privacy hanya-kulle Congratulations You Can Make Stronger Password Now! hanya-kulle Congratulations - You Are Now a Master of Computer

Me kuke Bukata Don Wannan Darasi?

  • Samun dama ga Smart Phone / Computer
  • Kyakkyawan saurin Intanet (Wifi/3G/4G)
  • Kyawawan Ingantattun Wayoyin kunne/Masu magana
  • Asalin Fahimtar Turanci
  • Sadaukarwa & Amincewa don share kowane jarrabawa

Shaidar Daliban Ƙarfafawa

Darussan da suka dace

Easyshiksha badges
Tambayoyin da

Q.Shin kwas ɗin yana kan layi 100%? Shin yana buƙatar kowane azuzuwan layi ma?

Karatun da ke gaba yana kan layi cikakke, don haka babu buƙatar kowane zaman aji na zahiri. Ana iya samun damar yin laccoci da ayyuka kowane lokaci da ko'ina ta hanyar yanar gizo mai wayo ko na'urar hannu.

Q.Yaushe zan iya fara karatun?

Kowa na iya zaɓar kwas ɗin da aka fi so kuma ya fara nan da nan ba tare da wani bata lokaci ba.

Q. Menene kwas da lokutan zama?

Kasancewar wannan shirin kwas ɗin kan layi ne kawai, zaku iya zaɓar koyo a kowane lokaci na rana kuma gwargwadon lokacin da kuke so. Kodayake muna bin ingantaccen tsari da jadawali, muna ba ku shawarar tsarin yau da kullun kuma. Amma a ƙarshe ya dogara da ku, kamar yadda dole ne ku koya.

Q.Me zai faru idan karatuna ya kare?

Idan kun kammala karatun, za ku iya samun damar yin amfani da shi na tsawon rayuwa don tunani a nan gaba ma.

Q.Zan iya zazzage bayanan kula da kayan nazari?

Ee, zaku iya samun dama da saukar da abun cikin kwas ɗin na tsawon lokaci. Kuma ko da samun damar rayuwa zuwa gare shi don wani ƙarin tunani.

Q. Wadanne software/kayan aiki za a buƙaci don kwas ɗin kuma ta yaya zan iya samun su?

Duk software/kayan aikin da kuke buƙata don kwas ɗin za a raba su tare da ku yayin horo a matsayin da lokacin da kuke buƙatar su.

Q. Ina samun takardar shedar a cikin kwafi?

A'a, kawai kwafin takardar shedar ne kawai za a bayar, wanda za'a iya saukewa kuma a buga, idan an buƙata.

Q. Ba zan iya biya ba. Me za a yi yanzu?

Kuna iya ƙoƙarin yin biyan kuɗi ta hanyar wani kati ko asusu (wataƙila aboki ko dangi). Idan matsalar ta ci gaba, yi mana imel a

Tambaya Me zai yi yanzu?

Saboda wasu kurakuran fasaha, hakan na iya faruwa. A irin wannan yanayin za a tura adadin da aka cire zuwa asusun banki a cikin kwanaki 7-10 na gaba na aiki. A al'ada banki yana ɗaukar wannan lokaci mai yawa don ƙididdige adadin zuwa asusun ku.

Q. Biyan ya yi nasara amma har yanzu yana nuna 'Sayi Yanzu' ko kuma baya nuna wani bidiyo akan dashboard dina? Me zan yi?

A wasu lokuta, ana iya samun ɗan jinkiri a cikin biyan kuɗin ku da ke nuna kan dashboard ɗin ku na EasyShiksha. Koyaya, idan matsalar tana ɗaukar fiye da mintuna 30, da fatan za a sanar da mu ta rubuta mana a daga ID ɗin imel ɗin ku mai rijista, kuma haɗa hoton sikirin karɓar biyan kuɗi ko tarihin ciniki. Ba da daɗewa ba bayan tabbatarwa daga baya, za mu sabunta matsayin biyan kuɗi.

Q. Menene manufar maida kuɗi?

Idan kun yi rajista, kuma kuna fuskantar kowace matsala ta fasaha to kuna iya neman maidowa. Amma da zarar an samar da takardar shaidar, ba za mu mayar da wannan kuɗin ba.

Q. Zan iya shiga cikin kwas ɗaya kawai?

Ee! Lallai zaka iya. Don fara wannan, kawai danna tsarin sha'awar ku kuma cika cikakkun bayanai don yin rajista. Kuna shirye don koyo, da zarar an biya kuɗi. Don haka, kuna samun takaddun shaida ma.

Ba a jera tambayoyina a sama ba. Ina bukatan karin taimako.

Da fatan a tuntube mu a:

Kware Gudun: Yanzu Akwai akan Wayar hannu!

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Kuna son ƙarin koyo game da ayyukan EasyShiksha ko buƙatar taimako?

Ƙungiyarmu koyaushe tana nan don yin haɗin gwiwa da magance duk shakkun ku.

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